Hello from Vienna! We just arrived in Europe yesterday for our 10-day vacation and wow…what. a. day. of travel with Lila! She cried the entire 4-hour flight, much to our embarrassment. I remember when we used to get annoyed by other people’s crying babies so I guess it’s karma, right?! Note to self: no more flights right around her bed time! But now that we’re here and she’s gotten some sleep it’s all good and we’re so excited to enjoy the Christmas season in Vienna, Budapest and Bratislava. I still don’t know how it’s possible but my baby is officially ONE and we celebrated her first birthday last Friday. I wanted to share some funny photos from her “cake smash” (it’s safe to say she inherited my sweet tooth!)
This cake is all for me? Let’s do this!
Whoa, what is that?
I wonder what it feels like… (.2 seconds before Daddy blew it out).
What is this magic?!
They told me to eat this…
Let’s start with a big bite!
Add ‘cake’ to my list of favorite foods!
Happy Birthday to me!