This past weekend was very special for our family and definitely one we’ll never forget. Lila Blake was baptized at the Jordan River, the same site of Jesus’ baptism thousands of years ago. Ever since we knew we’d be having a baby in Jordan, my husband and I agreed that it would be an amazing experience to be able to have her baptized in the Holy Land. One week ago when we were talking about it during a get-together with friends, we all decided it would be great to do it now, so the planning began. Luckily we had help since it was very last-minute, from one friend letting us borrow her daughter’s Christening gown to another finding the two 12-inch candles we needed for the ceremony. The night before, I baked some cupcakes and chilled a few bottles of sparkling wine for the celebration, then we were ready for the big day!
This was one of many churches scattered throughout the baptismal site, and the one closest to where her baptism was held.
If you’ve ever wondered what the site of Jesus Christ’s baptism looks like (or where we believe it was), here it is right along the Jordan River! Even though we have the photos to prove it, I still can’t believe Lila’s baptism actually took place here.
Lila was such a brave girl and didn’t shed a single tear during her dip in the baptismal font.
This lovely couple we know volunteered to stand in for Lila’s godparents who live in North Carolina and couldn’t be here for the ceremony. However, we were able to FaceTime with them during the entire event, which was amazing for two reasons: we didn’t think we’d actually have cell service and they had to be up in the middle of the night to watch!
Following the ceremony, Lila posed with Father Haddad for some photos. He heads a Catholic Church in Old Amman.
After the ceremony we had celebratory cupcakes and bubbly!
How beautiful is this Christening gown? As I mentioned before, we borrowed this dress from our friend, who had it hand-made in Mexico for her daughter’s baptism while their family was living there. Her now sixteen-year old daughter was also born on the same day as Lila, so I feel like it was meant to be.
We also dipped Lila’s toes in the Jordan River for good luck but she wasn’t so sure about it!
In regards to my dress, I’m not sure what you’re supposed to wear for a baptism as the child’s mother, but I erred on the side of modest and chose a white midi dress. If you’re looking for something similar, I linked a few other dresses below.
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