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Hello, Third Trimester! 28 Week Pregnancy Update

September 15, 2017

It’s been a few months since I posted a pregnancy update so to celebrate the beginning of my third trimester, I thought I’d share an update with you guys. Although some days I feel like pregnancy will never end, when I look at the calendar and see how close we are to my due date (November 30th), I realize how quickly time is passing!

How I’m Feeling

The good:

I still have a fair amount of energy, but I like to do most of my to-do list done in the morning when I feel the perkiest. I’ve also been getting a decent amount of sleep each night, only waking up a few times for the bathroom (babies just love to sit on your bladder!)

The not-so-good:

In the last week, I’ve had a mild rash appear on my belly, and for a few days it was driving me absolutely crazy. After doing some research it looks like it may be PUPPS, a skin condition that can occur during the last trimester of pregnancy. I’ve been trying various creams like Hyrodcortisone and OTC anti-itch lotions, and also taking a Claritin pill once a day per my doctor’s advice, and it’s finally started to calm down. I’m no longer taking the Claritin, but only applying a mixture of organic anti-itch balm, almond oil, and sometimes a tiny bit of Hyrdocortisone cream, and for now that’s been working. I’m also not wearing my over-the-belly style pants for long periods of time anymore since the rubbing seems to irritate it. I just ordered this black pine tar soap after a friend’s recommendation, so we’ll see if that helps keep it at bay, too.

Back pain is an issue I continue to fight with daily yoga, and I was recently gifted this amazing back support band from the team at Belly Bandit. I wear it during my weight workouts and when I’m doing any activity which involves a lot of standing, like cooking or washing dishes, and it’s really helped alleviate the aches. Belly Bandit also just announced their support bands are now covered by insurance—how awesome is that? Click here for the info if you’re interested. I highly recommend any of their support bands!

Belly Bandit ‘Upsie Belly’ Back Support Band

Baby Brandon

Last time I posted an update, I had just barely begun to feel baby movement and now baby girl is on the move constantly! Her kicks are so strong sometimes that you can see my belly move, which is equal parts cool and creepy, ha. She weighs about 2.5 pounds now and continues to grow like crazy. Since I’m in the third trimester, we’ve started going to the doctor every two weeks to check up on her.


I still haven’t had any crazy cravings throughout my pregnancy. There are days when I feel like I want more salty or sweet foods, but other than that I’ve still basically been eating the same as I did before pregnancy. I’m looking forward to being able to have my second cup of coffee in the morning and the occasional glass of wine, though!

Health & Exercise

My workout routine hasn’t changed too much, although I’ve had to modify more and more as my belly gets larger. I’m careful to avoid doing too much that strains my front abdominal muscles since I do have a slight case of diastasis recti (very common in pregnancy—this is when your ab muscles separate due to the growing belly). I’ve also modified all moves which involve jumping. I’m still doing some form of prenatal yoga every day and swear by it—it’s the only way I can get my muscles totally stretched out and feels so good for my back.

What’s Next

We signed up for a 6-week Lamaze course which starts at the end of this month. My husband and I have a lot to learn about taking care of a newborn, so I’m really hoping this will be helpful! I’m still working on the baby’s nursery, but it’s mostly ready. I need to get some baby books on the shelves and really want to put a glider chair in there as well.

I’ve been better about taking a bump photo once a week since my last update and it’s really helped me see just how much I’m changing throughout pregnancy. It’s pretty crazy!

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