Don’t you hate when your credit card company calls to say they had to close your account due to potential fraudulent activity? Yep, me too…I can’t wait to spend the next few days calling various companies to give them my new credit card info; not to mention changing it for all of my online accounts (said sarcastically). But, as the French would say: “C’est la vie” or “That’s life.” This one is just too fitting for me today! All things aside, I love the graphic tees out there with clever phrases. They’re so kitschy and fun for weekends–even work, if you swap the jeans for a fitted skirt or dress pants.
- Blazer (J. Crew–on sale!)
- Graphic Tee (J. Crew–on sale!)
- Relaxed Skinny Jeans (LOFT)
- Pumps (Pour La Victoire)
- Watch (Michael Kors)
- Sunglasses (Prada)
- Clutch (Elaine Turner–last year; another pretty option)
- Nails (Essie “Fashion Playground”)